Get in touch with Cyclick Development


You can get in touch with us by tapping the chat icon on any of our pages. We're also on the various platforms outlined below.

Mentoring & Education

We offer help with educational projects from community to business settings. We are always interested in what new projects you may be working on, and can provide training on:

  • Getting started with Python
  • Getting started with Object Oriented programming
  • Getting started with UML
  • C++ development
  • Agile SCRUM project management with the benefit of our experience

In the future we're looking to start creating educational courses with Udemy - if you have any ideas for courses you would like to see, let us know!

Productivity, Quality and Progression


We track our open source activities using GitHub. It goes without saying that this is a fantastic public resource for sharing, learning and development of talents in the open source space.

Many modern projects would be impossible without the work of the open source community, and we are proud to contribute and incorporate open source projects within our workflows and environments. Of course, not all development activities permit the use of open source software (be that for corporate or licensing environments), but nevertheless you can track our work here:

Follow @petewasher Follow @cyclickdevelopment

Docker Hub

We've contributed a little to DockerHub over the years, check it out here. Look out for our series on Docker, networking with Docker and Docker best practise.